Privacy Policy
The EU’s General Data Protection Regulations came into force on 25th May 2018 and developed the rules established under the Data Protection Act 1998. This requires Harry’s Hydro to formally tell our individual Users what happens to the essential data we hold on them and to seek permission to continue to do so. Such information is essential in order to provide an ongoing safe, effective and efficient service and to maintain the confidence of our service users
Harry’s Hydro will store your registration details if you decide to use the services. The registration details will include personal and medical information, on paper, and your contact details electronically. This data is:
a) used to assess your suitability for hydrotherapy
b) used to ascertain your needs in relation to equipment and gaining access to the pool
c) used to advise on appropriate exercise programmes
d) used to monitor your ongoing needs
e) used to maintain efficient communication with you including giving you notice of revised session times and/or session
f) treated as confidential to Harry’s Hydro
g) used solely by Harry’s Hydro and not shared with a third party (Statutory Authorities excluded)
h) destroyed not later than three months after your attendance at Harry’s Hydro ceases
i) available to check what information Harry’s Hydro holds on you. A request to check data must be made to the Secretary
and will be responded to as quickly as possible and certainly within two weeks of receipt.
If you wish to have your details removed at any time, please inform Harry's Hydro via the contact us page of this website.