Contact Us
We are UK registered charity No.1081191
Pool Address
Harry's Hydro,
Adjacent to Critchill School,
Nunney Road,
BA11 4LB
How to find us:
Coming from the centre of Frome, drive up Nunney Road through a residential area until you see yellow lines on the road. The road narrows and the yellow lines become more evident. At the end of these lines, turn right into the car park for Critchill School and Trinity School. Straight ahead you will see a double garage. The entry to the hydrotherapy car park is between the garage and the main school building on the left. It is marked 'Private' on the tarmac. Please drive into our car park and the hydrotherapy building is the wooden structure on your left.
Registered Address
Beckington Barn
Bath BA11 6TE
To use the pool please go see the How to access the Pool page
Maintenance Issues:- Peter Bennett - 07970 412491 or Martin Pelling - 07727 015606